Admission and studyMaster's programsMaster's programs in English

Master's programs in English

Dear foreign applicants!

We are glad to inform you that from the 2024/2025 academic year you have the opportunity to study at the Master's programs at SPbSUT in English!

Applicants with a Bachelor's or Specialist's degree are accepted to the Master's program of SPbSUT.

Forms of study: full-time.

Take the chance to apply for the Master's program by the Portfolio competition till May 30,2024.

Enrollment tests are held in the form of an interview.

The dates of the enrollment tests in the form of an interview: June 24, 2024 – August 6, 2024

An applicant for a Master's program must submit an application to the SUT admissions committee through the Applicant's Personal Account. Editing and uploading files is not possible after filling out your personal account and uploading documents.

Here you can find  instructions for filling out your personal account .

Please feel free to ask any questions: 
