

Always in touch with future!

Federal State Budget-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education
The Bonch-Bruevich St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications

License No. 2930 dd. October 05 2020, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education.

State Accreditation: Certificate No. 3476 dd. January 13 2021, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education.

Today, the university is the region biggest training and scientific complex specialized in information technologies and communications.

The main field of the university activity is education of different levels which are:

  • secondary vocational education (Telecommunications colleges in Arkhangelsk, Smolensk and St Petersburg),
  • higher education (18 specialties), Bachelor's and Master's degrees ,
  • Post-graduate and Doctoral studies.

Forms of studying:

  • intramural (full-time);
  • evening time ( part-time);
  • extramural (by correspondence).

There are more than 10,000 students in the University, including more than 6,000 studying full time, almost 1,500 students in St Petersburg College of Telecommunications, and more than 3,000 students in Archangelsk and Smolensk branches.

The University is proud of its teachers. Many of them have been working in the university for decades. Almost 400 people out of 600 teachers have scientific degrees and titles. 75 doctors of sciences are teaching at the University.

There are 6 faculties, 3 colleges, two institutes: Master's Institute, Institute of Continuing Education and Military training center at SPbSUT. 

The size of the University, as a communication scientific and educational complex, is a very impressive: there are six study and laboratory buildings (total space is more than 65,000 square meters), with an assembly hall, conference halls, dozens of study and scientific laboratories, computer classes, and specialized classrooms. The University has at its disposal a complete complex of infrastructure objects: dormitories, student cultural and leisure centers, scientific and technical library. 

High demand for graduates of The Bonch-Bruevich St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, as of the most advanced training and scientific center, that ensures the formation of human recourses reserve for communications, demand for the graduates from the leading telecommunication enterprises of the region, all this is the result of work done by all the personnel of the University, and is a guarantee for its dynamic development in the coming years.