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Вопросы по поступлению
05 октября 2024 в 10:38
То кноw абоут семестер фиґуратион
Hello, I am Imran. I am interested to take admission in the field of Information technology and system . I have a small confusion about the semester configuration and the question is how many semester are there in a year in the university curriculum?
07 октября 2024 в 17:12
Администратор раздела


Good afternoon, Imran!

Study at the bachelor's degree program is 4 years. It is 8 semesters. There are 2 semesters in the 1st academic year. The 1st semester starts on September 1 and the 2nd semester starts on February 1.

Admission to the university takes place in June-July.

If you have any more questions, you can contact the e-mail of the Department of International Cooperation of SPbSUT pk-oms@sut.ru, we will be happy to help you.