EventsVideo about the University

Video about the University

1 march 2024-28 september 2026

The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications is the leading Russian higher education institution in the field of training specialists for the communications and telecommunications industry, a modern research and development centre. The University has everything necessary to fulfil this important role, having significant experience in training personnel to meet the needs of the economy, established specialised scientific schools, and developed infrastructure and material resources.

The invaluable contribution of each of the employees of the University, high professionalism and dedication to their work ensure the inseparable unity of generations, the most powerful synthesis for the birth of new ideas, non-standard solutions within and outside the University. A new generation of professionals is growing, talented young people are scientists and researchers who continue the traditions of the "Bonch" scientific and educational school. A modern campus, developed infrastructure and advanced equipment — all this creates a unique creative atmosphere that forces students and teachers to move forward, to be at the forefront of national and international research.

"Always in touch with the future!" — this is the motto of the Bonch University community!

Welcome to Bonch!

You can see the video about SPbSUT here.

Video about the UniversityVideo about the UniversityVideo about the UniversityVideo about the UniversityVideo about the University
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